Highlights from the Open Call Student Art Exhibition at Worth Ryder

September 24, 2019

Highlights from the Open Call Student Art Exhibition at Worth Ryder

The Worth Ryder Gallery started off the school year with the annual student exhibition, curated by students Vanessa Yunyi Yang, Milan Moldenhawer, Michel Pan Yan-ki Orindo and Aisha Gracie Moniz de Aragao Faria. Featuring amazingly talented student artists such as Emily Gui, Jojx Kwam, Armaan Mumtaz, Jacob Li Rosenberg and many more!

One of the standout artists, Jacob Li Rosenberg, the artist behind the Deport Me art piece, was interviewed during the big opening on September 18th. 

Rosenberg’s piece was made in response to the government’s attitude towards the border and the experiences of those affected by deportation and immigration. Rosenberg is inspired by his identity and desire for social justice to create projects and artworks that center around immigration. 

"The Deport Me project is about people’s experiences with immigration and deportation – about the struggles people go through to get to the United States, the opportunities and the the harsh realities...” Jacob Li Rosenberg has been in the midst of creating this project series since 2018 and is still looking to add to it, stating, “I’m working to get more people to share their experiences about immigration, to take part in this project, I think that this project is more powerful in numbers.” 

Follow Jacob Li Rosenberg’s project @deportmeproject on Instagram.

The exhibition is open Mon - Thurs, 12 - 5pm through October 10th at Worth Ryder Art Gallery!

More images of artists and their work from the Opening Reception: