
Counseling and Psychological Services

University Counseling and Psychological Services offers counseling and mental health services to all UC Berkeley students (regardless of insurance plan).

Their highly skilled and culturally competent team are available to serve you with a wide range of programs and services. Counselors are skilled in helping students with a range of personal, academic and career issues including: adjusting to school, deciding on a career or major, dealing with family or relationships, sexual orientation and identity, coping with personal crises. They are located on the third floor of the Tang Center and are staffed by a team of dedicated professional counselors who provide brief individual, couples, group, career and drop-in/urgent-needs counseling. Psychiatrists are also on staff at the Tang Center to provide medication evaluations. 

To schedule an appointment or for more information about hours and services, see the Counseling and Psychological Services website.
Phone number for scheduling counseling: (510) 642-9494 
Counseling and Psychological Services are available M-F 10-4 pm, PST during pandemic conditions. 
During regular academic year, M,T,W, F 8 - 5:30 p.m. and Thurs 9 - 5:30.


Students with urgent needs should call Counseling After-Hours Support Line: (855) 817-5667.
For Non-University affiliated crisis/suicide prevention hotlines:
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (800) 309-2131
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)
More information on suicide prevention

Social Services Counseling

Social Services Counseling offers confidential services that are topic specific and aim to help students strengthen coping skills, problem solve and identify resources. Social Services is open to all registered UC Berkeley students regardless of your insurance plan. 

Visit the Social Services Counseling website for support related to:
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Chronic Medical Condition or New Diagnosis
Eating Disorder and Body Image Counseling
Pregnancy Resources and Referrals
Relationship Violence, Stalking or Other Violence
Sexual Health
Sexual Violence
Transgender/Gender Identity Counseling

Phone: (510) 642-6074
Monday - Friday: No building/in-person hours. Phones answered 10am-4pm. Virtual services can be scheduled 8am-5pm.


For urgent concerns, related to sexual assault, interpersonal violence, pregnancy, disordered eating, or alcohol and other drug issues, please contact Social Services at (510) 642-6074 for an appointment. Please inform the front desk that you have an urgent concern.