Digital Photography

Digital photography is approached through a broad range of histories, ideas, and practices that encourage students to develop a rigorous photographic practice. Photography is also taught as a vital contemporary tool and medium for all artists and designers, enabling students to adapt photographs with other media, including but not limited to printmaking, painting, video, performance and installation.

Students learn essential digital skills, from operating digital cameras to software editing and workflow, to large format printing. Courses engage with social histories of photography and representation, including contemporary use of photography from popular and selfie culture to activism and surveillance.

The dedicated Digital Photography Lab, and an equipment checkout program for cameras, tripods, and lights support students in their explorations.

Courses rotate between these selections:

  • ART 21: Digital Photography: Foundations
  • ART 160: Special Topics in Visual Studies
  • ART 180: Advanced Digital Photography

Location: Anthropology & Art Practice Building

Lab hours: TBA

Lab Use: Access to these spaces is reserved for students enrolled in photography classes and to graduate students in Art Practice.

Facilities/Materials Fee: Varies per class

Please note that we do not have a darkroom or analog film processing facilities. Students interested in analog photography processes are encouraged to look into non-credit classes at the Berkeley Art Studio

For more information and to check out equipment, contact:
Dillon Thomas
Digital Studio Technician
327 Anthropology & Art Practice Building

Faculty Oversight:
Allan deSouza, Professor

Robert Borsdorf measuring light.

Robert Borsdorf (BA ’19) measuring light.