Arianna Khmelniuk (Ukraine, 1987) is a Bay Area experimental artist. She is the creator of the artistic ventures Zapah Lab and Olfactory Playground, both of which focus on artistic research and aim to further the creative and theoretical use of smells in an art context. Her artistic investigations span topics such as art and reality perception, space and time, grief, and notions of knowledge, interpreted through the sense of smell, performance, and installation.
She has shown her work in a duo exhibition "Phantoms and Soft Time" at Swan Coach House Gallery with Wihro Kim, curated by Qualia Projects / Iman Person, Atlanta, GA, 2019; group show "Controlled Burn" at MOCA GA, Atlanta, GA, 2019; group show "Somethin missin'...somethin promised", MINT Gallery, Atlanta, GA, 2020; group show Boka with artists Benjamin Rouse and Danielle Brutto, Bakery Gallery, Atlanta, GA, 2020. To learn more please visit her website.
Khmelniuk has been granted residencies at institutions such as the Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria, and the Hambidge Creative Residency Program (Raburn, Georgia). Khmelniuk was awarded funding by USAID in Kyiv, Ukraine, and a distinguished fellowship stipend by Fulton County Arts & Culture (Atlanta, Georgia), as well as the Academy of Fine Arts (Salzburg, Austria).