Now Hiring: Painting and Printmaking Professors

Printmaking student artwork included in the massive retrospective exhibition, PROOF: 28 years of printmaking at UC Berkeley, Spring 2022, organized by Randy Hussong at the Worth Ryder Art Gallery. PROOF featured more than 1400 prints from 1135 students who have taken printmaking classes. Continuing Lecturer Randy Hussong maintained an archive of student prints from every class since 1994. It was an extraordinary opportunity to view nearly three decades of etchings, lithographs, relief and screen prints. Image courtesy of Randy Hussong.

Ghazal Rahimi, MFA'20: American on the Inside, Oriental on the Outside, from the series Ornamental Oppression, 2020–21 (detail); oil on linen; 60 x 86 in.; courtesy of the artist. Included in the 2020 MFA thesis exhibition, BAMPFA.

Gracianne Kirsch (BA’22), unraveling, again; 2022. Oil and clay sculpture on canvas, video on an analogue TV, audio in a landline phone, zine with poem in VHS box, wires, misc. 6’ x 10’. Included in the Senior Thesis exhibition at the Worth Ryder Art Gallery, Spring 2022. Courtesy of the artist.

October 21, 2022

Application Deadlines:
Printmaking: Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Painting: Friday, December 16, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Assistant Professor in Expanded Printmaking

The Department of Art Practice at UC Berkeley invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Printmaking. The position includes leading the printmaking area of Art Practice, teaching undergraduate and graduate students, advancing their own studio practice, overseeing the resources and physical infrastructures of existing printmaking studios, and making critical contributions to the field of printmaking and expanded print media.

Click here to read more and apply online:JPF03650

Assistant Professor in Painting

The Department of Art Practice at UC Berkeley invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Painting. The position includes leading the painting area within the department, overseeing the resources and physical infrastructures of the painting studios, teaching undergraduate and graduate students, advancing their own creative practice, and making critical contributions to the contemporary field of painting.

Click here to read more and apply online:JPF03563

We encourage candidates with a demonstrated commitment to equity and inclusion, including through feminist, queer, anti-racist, transnational, and decolonial practices, and who can support teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students of varied backgrounds, capabilities, perspectives, social identities and gender expressions.

UC Berkeley’s Art Practice Department provides rigorous practical, conceptual, and critical studio art training within a world-renowned public research university. Students develop a cross-media understanding of studio art practices in a global context and gain valuable experience for a wide range of professional careers within contemporary art and culture. 2D, 3D, and time-based studio production courses, research seminars, and professional development courses provide essential skills within conceptual and critical frameworks. We offer a four year Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and a two year Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree. Our courses service approximately 500 undergraduate students, and 12 graduate students across a diverse range of disciplines. Located in the vibrant California Bay Area, our program is deeply connected to the region’s complex historical legacies and is engaged in its creative possibilities. Our award-winning faculty consists of internationally acclaimed artists working across a range of media, and with multiple research interests that closely link the Art Practice Department with other university departments and research centers.

For more information on our department and specific academic programs, please visit

The department is committed to addressing the family needs of faculty, including dual career couples and single parents. We are also interested in candidates who have had non-traditional career paths or who have taken time off for family reasons, or who have achieved excellence in careers outside academia.