UC Berkeley Art Practice
Department of Art Practice at UC Berkeley


Art Practice News Updates

Welcome from Ron Rael, new Chair of Art Practice

A huge welcome from UC Berkeley’s Department of Art Practice, to all new students, and welcome back to our previous students!

My name is Professor Ronald Rael, and I am the new Chair of the Department of Art Practice. I have been affiliated with Art Practice for many years, and am also a Professor of Architecture in the College of Environmental Design. Art and Architecture have so much in common — they both have studio practices, work through projects via productive critique and mentorship, and are world-makers, and world-changers. I have taught several classes with Art Practice faculty to art students, which have been some of the most special and meaningful courses of my teaching career, and I am looking forward to working closely with the department this year.  

Artists have always been my heroes because you inspire, communicate the beauty and tragedy of our time, you incite change, innovate, turn the familiar upside down, serve as a counterpoint to the status quo, and through your creative endeavors you teach us meaningful lessons about who we are as a society today, and who we may be in the future. Our incredible faculty and staff look forward to helping you rise to your creative aspirations, as well as to challenging you with inspiring and meaningful ideas, conversations, and techniques. I am looking forward to participating and witnessing the incredible growth you will have this year as students and as the cultural and creative leaders of our campus.

Our department strives to create an environment in which individuals and groups feel supported, respected, and valued to fully participate. We recognize that no one person can or should represent our whole community. We believe that the inclusion of all adds value and creates balance in the face of power differences. 

This year I urge you to be safe, productive, seek joy, be curious and discover yourself through your creative practices, and I wish you the very best academic year! Feel free to reach out to me anytime regarding your experiences at UC Berkeley.

Proceed and be Bold,

Ronald Rael

Chair, Department of Art Practice

Eva Li Memorial Chair in Architecture


Art Practice