New Possibilities with “Art Practice Regular” Font — UC Berkeley Art Practice
UC Berkeley Art Practice
Department of Art Practice at UC Berkeley


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New Possibilities with “Art Practice Regular” Font


Art Practice Regular, designed by Olivia Ting [M.F.A 2018] for the Art Practice website, is now available here as a free downloadable OTF font. The font is based on stencil fonts, which are often used in art production and studio work, but it has a livelier rhythm and softer corners.

For Ting, art and design both are ways in which she can deepen awareness about space and orientation. The font, which is meant to be used as a title font, definitely has a bold spatial presence, and a dynamic rhythm. Its open shapes cause dynamic tensions between characters and spaces, and introduce a visual experience. This tension is slightly unsettling, but introduces new visual possibilities. It originates from the letter shapes, which are inspired by the subtraction of a letter form from a laterally shifted copy of itself.

I am interested in the blink, the glance, and the lapse of consciousness.
— Olivia Ting [M.F.A. 2018]

Olivia Ting is interested in the role of digital technology in the fabric of contemporary lives and rearranging how our memories are collected and formulated in our consciousness.

Formerly a pre-med science major at Pomona College, Olivia went on to a second degree in graphic design at Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles and then headed off to New York where she worked for agencies and various boutiques. But her interest in visual communication as a storytelling vehicle about the human condition brought her back to her science background, classical piano training and ballet.

Coming back to San Francisco, Olivia’s work has expanded to photography and video in collaboration with movement-based performers. Recently, she collaborated with Lenora Lee Dance, who was an Artist in Residence at San Francisco deYoung Museum. There, Olivia designed video installations that were projection-mapped onto five surfaces in the center foyer of the Museum. The piece premiered in November of 2013.

In addition to theater work, Olivia continues to work as a graphic and video media designer. Some of her clients include San Francisco Dance Center, San Francisco Performances, Brooklyn Children’s Museum and San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum. She was commissioned to design a permanent exhibit video projection for Oakland Museum of California’s Natural History Gallery.

Greg NiemeyerFont, Alumni